Development and Financial Contributions

Nelson city continues to experience growth in its population, visitors, development and the local economy.

This growth generates increased levels of subdivision and development activity which places greater pressure on the assets and services provided by the Council. Significant investment is required to meet the demands of growth through providing additional assets or increasing the capacity of existing assets.

Historically, Council has sought a contribution towards the expansion of the city’s reserves, community facilities and infrastructure from those developments that place additional demands on these services. Council has previously levied these contributions under two pieces of legislation:

  1. Development Contributions: are levied under the provisions of Part 8 Subpart 5 and Schedule 13 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). To make use of these provisions Council must adopt a Policy on Development Contributions as part of the Council’s 10-Year Plan (“Long Term Plan” or “LTP”).
  2. Financial Contributions: are imposed as a condition of a resource consent pursuant to sections 108, 220, 407 or 409 of the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991. The Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017 required Councils to phase out financial contributions by April 2022.

From 1 July 2018, additional development contributions were introduced to replace the financial contributions previously imposed.

Development Contributions Policy 2024

The Nelson City Council Policy on Development Contributions was adopted on 27 June 2021. This policy became operative on 1 July 2024. Download the Development Contributions Policy 2024 (4.4MB PDF)

Development contributions by activity per HUD

 Activity 2024/25 Greenfield 2024/25 Brownfield
Stormwater 7,630 7,630
Wastewater 8,050 8,050
Water supply 4,300 4,300
Transportation 3,350 3,350
Community infrastructure 2,030 2,030
General reserves 1,550 1.550
Neighbourhood reserve 15,106 280
Total $42,016 $27,190

Development Contributions Calculator

Council has developed a calculating spreadsheet to assist applicants of simple residential developments to estimate the amount of development contributions that would be payable as a result of a resource consent, building consent or service connection. More complex and commercial developments will be assessed as part of the application and connection approval process. The policy specifies how all developments will be assessed. Download the 2024-25 Development Contributions Residential Calculator. (46KB XLSX)

Existing titles approved prior to 1 July 2024 will continue to be assessed under the policy relevant at the time the application was submitted, and in accordance with conditions or notes on the consent.  Development Contributions are expected to gradually replace Financial Contributions over the next 10 years as developments come online. Council’s previous development and financial contributions policies are provided here:

Exemptions, Reconsiderations and Objections

Each policy outlines the exemptions, objections and reconsiderations process relevant to assessments undertaken under each policy.