Decisions released from Confidential Sessions

In order to increase transparency, Nelson City Council now reviews all confidential decisions that were considered in public excluded session to assess if and when the information can be made publicly available. Links to released information can be found below. The most recently released decisions are listed first.

Recommendation From Recommendation To Report Date Released
Council 02 Sep 2021 n/a Land Purchase - Stoke (1.1MB PDF) 30 Aug 2024
Council 02 May 2024 n/a Housing Reserve Grant Application (12MB PDF) 29 May 2024
Council 07 Mar 2024 n/a The Community Events Fund Moving Decision Making to Council (2.6MB PDF) 19 Mar 2024
Council 28 Jul 2022 n/a Kāinga Ora Housing Development Update (976KB PDF) 18 Mar 2024
Council 07 Mar 2024 n/a Trustee Rotation Nelson Festivals Trust (849KB PDF) 14 Mar 2024
n/a Nelson Tasman Regional Landfill Business Unit 19May2023 NTRLBU Compactor Procurement Report (1.5MB PDF) 08 Feb 2024
n/a Nelson Tasman Regional Landfill Business Unit 18Aug2023 NTRLBU Compactor Procurement Report (822KB PDF) 08 Feb 2024
n/a Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit 26 Apr 2023 Rabbit Island Land Disposal System Consent Application Report (15MB PDF) 07 Feb 2024
Council 13 Apr 2023 n/a Section 17A Campground (741KB PDF) 05 Feb 2024
Council 13 Apr 2023 n/a Campgrounds Management Model Proposal - Brook Valley Holiday Park and Maitai Valley Motor Camp (803KB PDF) 31 Jan 2024
Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee 09 Jun 2022 Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee 09 Jun 2022 Brook Valley Holiday Park Compliance and Future Planning (6.8MB PDF) 31 Jan 2024
Hearing Panel 04 Dec 2023 Council 14 Dec 2023 Plan Change 31 - Hearing Panel Recommendation (2.6MB PDF) 23 Jan 2024
Council 04 May 2023 n/a Private Plan Change - Nelson Junction (12MB PDF) 24 Jan 2024
Council 06 Jul 2023 n/a Appointment of Directors to the Nelson Marina Council Controlled Organisation Board (626KB PDF) 16 Jan 2024
Council 14 Sep 2023 n/a Bishop Suter Trust Trustee Rotation and Remuneration 2023/24 (1.2MB PDF) 09 Jan 2024
Council 9 Nov 2023 n/a Housing Reserve (4.4MB PDF) 19 Dec 2023
n/a Audit Risk and Finance 24 Nov 2023 Organisational Risk Deep Dives (2.6MB PDF) 29 Nov 2023
Council 10 Aug 2023 n/a August 2022 Extreme Weather Event Recovery Land Purchase (1.2MB PDF) 10 Nov 2023
Council 4 May 2023 n/a Council Owned Land Geotechnical Assessments Next steps (1.2MB PDF) 10 Nov 2023
Chief Executive Employment Committee - 20 Jul 2023 Council 14 Sep 2023 Chief Executive Performance Agreement 2023 2024 (879KB PDF) 24 Oct 2023
Tenders Subcommittee - 19 Aug 2020 n/a Contract EC4018 Transfer Station Hoppers and Refuse Greenwaste Cartage (1MB PDF) 24 Jul 2023
Tender Subcommittee  - 16 Aug 2022 n/a Public Transport Services Contract (1.4MB PDF) 24 Jul 2023
Tender Subcommittee - 16 Aug 2022 n/a Road Network Electrical Maintenance Contract (1.4MB PDF) 24 Jul 2023
Tenders subcommittee -  30 Sep 2021 n/a Washington Valley Infrastructure Upgrade Stage 1 Hastings Street Contract Award (236KB PDF) 21 Jul 2023
Council - 28 Jul 2022 n/a Infrastructure Acceleration Fund Update and Next Steps (1.3MB PDF) 20 Jul 2023
Council - 22 Sep 2022 n/a Infrastructure Acceleration Fund and Housing Outcomes Agreements (9.2MB PDF) 20 Jul 2023
Commercial Subcommittee - 31 Mar 2016 n/a  Forestry (8.9MB PDF) 30 Jun 2023
n/a Community and Recreation Committee - 30 Jun 2022 Nelson Centre of Musical Arts - Appointment of Trustees (1.7MB PDF) 28 Jun 2023
Community and Recreation Committee - 18 Aug 2022 n/a Bishop Suter Trust Trustee Rotation and Remuneration 2022-23 (623KB PDF) 28 Jun 2023
Council - 8 June 2023 n/a Appointment of Chair Nelson Marina Management Board (258KB PDF) 28 Jun 2023

Council - 13 April 2023

n/a External Appointment to Chief Executive Employment Committee (1.5MB PDF) 7 Jun 2023

Council - 4 May 2023

n/a Housing Reserve Grant Application (5.9MB PDF) 6 Jun 2023
Chief Executive Employment Committee - 19 May 2023 n/a Overview of AskYourTeam Staff Survey Results 2023 (3.3MB PDF) 24 May 2023
Council - 3 Apr 2023 n/a Proposed Inner City Land Purchase (8MB PDF) 17 May 2023
Council - 9 Feb 2023 n/a Proposed changes to fees and charges 2023-24 (2.6MB PDF) 1 May 2023
Joint Committee - 29 Nov 2022 n/a Joint CCO Matters for Statements of Expectations Tasman Bays Heritage Trust and Infrastructure Holdings Ltd 2023-24 (2.1MB PDF) 12 Apr 2023
Commercial Subcommittee - 4 Aug 2016 n/a Nelson City Council s production forests Assessment of non-monetary values report Attachment 1 (5MB PDF) 29 Mar 2023
Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee - 3 Dec 2021 Council - 8 Dec 2021 Proposed Registrations of Interest Document 258 Wakefield Quay (Anchor Building) (6.7MB PDF) 29 Mar 2023
Council - 15 Dec 2022 n/a Reappointment of Independent Chair to the Saxton Field Committee (1.4MB PDF) 13 Mar 2023
Extraordinary Chief Executive Employment Committee - 21 Dec 2022 Council - 9 Feb 2023 Interim Chief Executive Officer Performance Agreement and Key Results Areas for 2023 (1.2MB PDF) 2 Mar 2023
Council - 23 Feb 2023 n/a Appointment of Nelson City Council Chief Executive (1.4MB PDF) 28 Feb 2023
Environment and Climate - 16 Jun 2022 Council - 12 Jul 2022 Harbourmaster vessel (3.5MB PDF) 26 Jan 2023
Council - 15 Dec 2022 n/a Appointment of Climate Change Advisory Group (1.3MB PDF) 15 Dec 2022
Council - 10 Nov 2022 n/a Mayor's Report (3.7MB PDF) 10 Nov 2022
n/a Council - 8 Dec 2021 Land Purchase Central City (1.2MB PDF) 27 Oct 2022
n/a Council - 8 Aug 2019 Event funding Adam Chamber Music Festival (1.2MB PDF) 27 Oct 2022
Governance Committee - 25 Jul 2019 Council - 8 Aug 2019 Nelson Regional Development Agency Director Remuneration 2019 (2MB PDF) 27 Oct 2022
Governance Committee - 5 Sep 2019 Council - 19 Sep 2019 Nelmac Directors' Remuneration 2019 (1.3MB PDF) 27 Oct 2022
n/a Council - 23 Sep 2021 Directors remuneration 2021 Nelmac Ltd (1.8MB PDF) 26 Oct 2022
n/a Council - 12 Nov 2020 Nelmac director appointment 12 Nov 2020  (1.8MB PDF) 26 Oct 2022
Council - 24 Mar 2022 n/a Housing Reserve Grant 24 Mar 2022 (627KB PDF)  25 Oct 2022
Community and Recreation Committee - 17 Jun 2021 n/a Approval of Community Investment Funding Panel Membership (1.2MB PDF) 21 Oct 2022
Community and Recreation Committee - 22 Apr 2021 n/a Reappointment of Trustee to the City of Nelson Civic Trust (87KB PDF) 19 Oct 2022
n/a Chief Executive Employment Committee - 3 Nov 2020 AskYourTeam Overview of 2020 Staff Survey Results (2.3MB PDF) 18 Oct 2022
Chief Executive Employment
Committee - 22 Feb 2022
Council - 10 Mar 2022 Chief Executive's Draft Performance Agreement and Key Performance Indicators for 2021/22 (2.1MB PDF) 18 Oct 2022
n/a Council - 27 Sep 2022 Decision on Private Plan Change 28 Maitahi Bayview (56MB PDF) 27 Sep 2022
Council - 8 Dec 2021 n/a Housing Reserve Phase One Applications 2021 (608KB PDF) 23 Aug 2022
Council - 19 May 2022 n/a Options Investigation Regional Visitor Services  (1.8MB PDF) 20 Jul 2022
Chief Executive Employment Committee - 22 Apr 2022 n/a AskYourTeam Overview of Staff Survey Results 2022 (3.3MB PDF) 24 May 2022
n/a Joint Shareholders Committee - 15 Feb 2022 Update Holding Company Progress Report No 1 Decision and Attachments 1 - 3 (7.2MB PDF) 23 Feb 2022
Council - 8 Dec 2021 n/a Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit NRSBU Independent Member Appointment 08Dec2021 (2.3MB PDF) 18 Feb 2022
Community and Recreation Committee - 2 Dec 2021 n/a Bishop Suter Trust Letter of Expectation 2022-23 (1.7MB PDF) 18 Feb 2022
Community and Recreation Committee - 2 Dec 2021 n/a Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Extension of Trustee Appointment (3.9MB PDF) 18 Feb 2022
n/a Community Services and Infrastructure Committee - 17 Mar 2011 Proposed Purchase of Strategically Located Land (2.1MB PDF) 19 Nov 2021
n/a Environment and Climate Committee - 28 May 2020 Continuation of the transfer arrangement with Port Nelson Ltd for Harbourmaster responsibilities (1.7MB PDF) 18 Nov 2021
Council - 17 Nov 2021 n/a Code of Conduct - Establishment of Panel - 17Nov2021 (1.7MB PDF) 17 Nov 2021
n/a Sports and Recreation Committee - 17 Sep 2020 Recreational use of Land Owned by Koata Limited (11MB PDF) 16 Nov 2021
n/a Council - 23 Sep 2021 Mayors Report Released (1.7MB PDF) 15 Nov 2021
n/a Governance and Finance Committee - 15 Oct 2020 Nelmac Director Reappointment (221KB PDF) 12 Nov 2021
n/a Council - 17 Dec 2020 Nelmac Limited Statement of Expectation 2021-2022 (1.2MB PDF) 12 Nov 2021
Governance and Finance Committee - 27 Feb 2020 n/a Reappointment of Trustees to the City of Nelson Civic Trust (1.1MB PDF) 11 Nov 2021
 n/a Tenders Subcommittee - 16 Jun 2021 Awatea Wastewater Pump Station Contract Award (784KB PDF) 10 Nov 2021
n/a  Tenders Subcommittee - 16 Jun 2021 Saxton Creek Stage 4 Contract Award (1.9MB PDF) 10 Nov 2021
n/a Community and Recreation Committee - 4 Mar 2021 Nelson Festivals Trust Reappointment of Trustees Mar 2021 (642KB PDF) 9 Nov 2021
n/a Council - 22 Sep 2020 Nelmac Utilities Maintenance and Operations Contract Supplementry Information (161KB PDF) 2 Nov 2021
n/a Council - 23 Sep 2021 Nelson Marina Land Development Plan (26MB PDF) 23 Sep 2021
n/a Council - 23 Sep 2021 Nelson Central Library Development Land Exchange Negotiating Team (655KB PDF) 23 Sep 2021
n/a Council - 18 May 2021 Nelson Slipway Redevelopment (1.6MB PDF) 22 Sep 2021
n/a Council - 12 Aug 2021 Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (8.7MB PDF) 26 Aug 2021
n/a Council - 18 May 2021 Engineering Services Agreement Waimea Community Dam (12MB PDF) 23 Aug 2021
n/a Environment and Climate Committee - 10 Jun 2021 Business Adviser report on Brook Waimarama Sanctuary Trust R24769 (162KB PDF) 24 Jun 2021
n/a Joint Shareholders Committee - 25 Aug 2020 Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Trustee Appointment and Remuneration (610KB PDF) 12 May 2021
Sports and Recreation Committee - 18 Jun 2020 Council - 25 Jun 2020 Poorman Valley Stream Shared Path Construction – Main Road Stoke to Neale Avenue (1.2MB PDF) 30 Apr 2021
Council - 10 Dec 2020 n/a Strategic Land Funding Allocation (1.7MB PDF) 19 Mar 2021
Sports and Recreation Committee - 2 Jul 2019 Council - 8 Aug 2019 Land Purchase - Grampians Extension, Brook Valley (83KB PDF) 9 Mar 2021
Community Services Committee - 29 Oct 2020 n/a Community Services Committee confidential minutes 10 Sep 2020 (232KB PDF) 25 Feb 2021
Council - 17 Dec 2020 n/a Chief Executives Performance Agreement and KPIs 2020-21 (9MB PDF) 25 Feb 2021
Governance and Finance Committee - 21 May 2020 n/a Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Appointment of Trustees 21May2020 (160KB PDF) 23 Nov 2020
Governance and Finance Committee - 27 Aug 2020 n/a Bishop Suter Trust Trustee Rotation and Remuneration (613KB PDF) 27 Oct 2020
Council - 12 Dec 2020 n/a Appointment of General Manager NRSBU and NTRLBU (28KB PDF) 13 Oct 2020
Council - 12 Dec 2019 n/a

Purchase of land for NRSBU purposes (615KB PDF)

13 Oct 2020
Community Services Committee - 10 Sep 2020 n/a

Community Arts Centre Feasibility Study Supplementary Information (769KB PDF)

13 Oct 2020
n/a Tenders Subcommittee - 11 Feb 2020

Recommendation to award contract Cleaning and Maintenance of Community Facilities No 3678 (612KB PDF)

19 Aug 2020
n/a Council - 13 Aug 2020

Civic House Options (1MB PDF)

13 Aug 2020
Council - 13 Feb 2020 n/a

Appointment of Independent Chair to Saxton Field Committee (26KB PDF)

6 Jul 2020
Chief Executive Employment
Committee - 11 Dec 2019

Chief Executive Employment Committee 11 Dec 2019 - Chief Executive KPIs (14MB PDF)

16 Jun 2020
n/a Governance and Finance Committee - 5 Dec 2019

Nelmac Limited Statement of Expectation 2020-21 (457KB PDF)

3 Mar 2020
 n/a Governance and Finance Committee - 5 Dec 2019

Nelson Centre of Musical Arts External Review of Business Model (230KB PDF)

24 Jan 2020
 n/a Governance and Finance Committee - 5 Dec 2019

Nelson Municipal Band Trust Reappointment of Trustee (173KB PDF)

23 Jan 2020
Community Services Committee - 30 May 2019 Council - 20 Jun 2019

Community Investment Funding Panel Appointments (2.4MB PDF)

13 Jan 2020
Chief Executive Employment Committee -  11 Dec 2019  n/a

AskYourTeam Survey Results (1.5MB PDF)

19 Dec 2019
n/a Infrastructure Committee - 21 Nov 2019

Recycling the Way Forward (250KB PDF)

19 Dec 2019
Council - 19 Sep 2019  n/a

Bishop Suter director appointment (136KB PDF)
Nelmac Limited Director Appointments (136KB PDF)
Request from the Rugby Union (435KB PDF)

19 Sep 2019
Governance Committee - 5 Sep 2019 Council - 19 Sep 2019 Nelson Regional Development Agency - Reappointment of Directors Released (199KB PDF) 19 Sep 2019
Council - 20 Jun 2019 n/a Pet Cremations Activity Review
Bay Dreams Update and Next Steps (668KB PDF)
Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Appointment of Trustees 13Jun2019 (587KB PDF)
27 Jun 2019
n/a Council - 4 Jun 2019 Cremations Activity Annual Plan Deliberations (193KB PDF) 7 Jun 2019
Council - 21 Mar 2019 n/a Decision Report on the Tasman Nelson Regional Pest Management Plan 2019-2029 (60MB PDF) 4 Apr 2019
Governance Committee - 7 Mar 2019 Council - 21 Mar 2019 Decision Nelson Regional Development Agency Appointment of Directors and Chair Released decision (1.7MB PDF) 12 Jun 2019
Council - 13 Dec 2018 n/a Classification of Greenmeadows under the Reserves Act 1977 (1.1MB PDF) 13 Dec 2018
Council - 13 Dec 2018 n/a Request for Assistance from a Nelson Sporting Group Released (589KB PDF) 13 Dec 2018
Governance Committee - 
27 Jul 2018
Council - 10 Aug 2017 Nelson Regional Development Agency - Board Appointment (301KB PDF) 18 Sep 2018