Council controlled organisations
Information on Council controlled organisations, Council Controlled Trading Organisations and Council organisations can be found in the Governance Statement.
Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs)
CCOs are organisations for which a local authority controls 50% or more of the voting rights, or rights to appoint 50% or more of the directors/trustees. They are set up to deliver public benefit for the city in a financially prudent manner. The current CCOs are:
- The Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatū
- City of Nelson Civic Trust
- Nelson Marina (Management CCO)
- Nelson Regional Development Agency
- Tasman Bays Heritage Trust (joint CCO with Tasman District Council)
Council Controlled Trading Organisations (CCTOs)
CCTOs are CCOs that operate a trading undertaking for the purpose of making a profit and they deliver agreed strategic outcomes for the city. The current CCTOs are:
- Nelmac Ltd
- Nelson Airport Ltd (joint CCTO with Tasman District Council)
Council Organisations (COs)
COs are organisations for which a local authority controls any proportion of the voting rights, or rights to appoint directors/trustees. The current COs are:
- Nelson Centre of Musical Arts
- Nelson Festivals Trust