Sustainability policy and action plan

Nelson City Council's commitment to sustainability is evidenced in its Sustainability Policy and the Sustainability Action Plan.

Sustainability Policy - June 2008

The Council, in partnership with the community and tangata whenua, recognises its responsibility of stewardship for the environment of Nelson, for the City’s current and future prosperity and for the health and well being of its people. We recognise that sustainability is a local, regional, national and global responsibility. The Sustainability Policy, dated June 2008, demonstrates Council's commitment and responsibility.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is a Council value. It is a process of ensuring the wise use and management of all resources within a framework in which environmental, social, cultural and economic well being are integrated and balanced. It means meeting the needs of today without adversely impacting on the needs of future generations.

The Council, in partnership with the community and tangata whenua, recognises its responsibility of stewardship for the environment of Nelson, for the City's current and future prosperity and for the health and well being of its people. We recognise that sustainability is a local, regional, national and global responsibility.

The Council will make decisions by assessing short and long term financial and non-financial risks. Decisions will recognise the interconnectedness of environmental, social, cultural and economic well being and will aim to produce multiple benefits.

The Council will meet its commitment to sustainability through the services it provides and in the way it operates as an organisation.


The responsibility for this policy rests with the full Council and all employees. The Chief Executive and Divisional Managers are personally committed to its success.

The Divisional Managers and their management teams have a key role in understanding and leading the implementation of this policy in their divisions.

The Council is committed to monitoring, reviewing and publishing the results of this policy in its Long Term Council Community Plan and Annual Reports.

Aims of the policy

Demonstrate leadership in sustainability across the region
  • Achieve best practice standards
  • Meet and strive to surpass requirements of environmental legislation targets
  • Build partnerships and projects that create learning networks
  • Take account of the impact on future generations when making decisions
  • Provide decision makers with the information they need to deliver sustainable outcomes
Accountability in Council performance

The Council will:

  • Optimise the efficient use of resources and minimise waste
  • Increase the use of renewable resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Operate in ways that minimise any adverse impacts on the environment or the local community
  • Require employees to incorporate informed sustainability perspectives within their work
  • Encourage contractors, Council Controlled Organisations and other partners to adopt sustainable best practice
  • Deliver an improved quality of life for the current and future residents of Nelson
Accountability in service delivery

Each division will:

  • Implement sustainable procurement procedures taking account of whole of life costs
  • Repair, reuse and recycle ahead of the responsible disposal of surplus materials, and minimise waste generation while taking into account the economics of the work
  • Take positive actions promoting continual improvement in sustainability performance
  • Set and achieve clearly defined sustainable development objectives and targets
  • Recognise, celebrate and reward achievement in order to promote the Council as a sustainable organisation
  • Develop the capacity of staff to promote the principles and practice of sustainability
Measuring progress and impact

The Council will:

  • Set targets
  • Set indicators to measure progress
  • Carry out a review of this policy and action plan to be reported in the Annual Report


Download the Council's Sustainability Policy (183KB PDF).

Sustainability Action Plan

The Sustainability Action Plan establishes how the Sustainability Policy will be implemented, in a consistent manner, across the Council. The actions listed in this plan are organised into the following areas:

  1. Management
  2. Staff
  3. Partnership and Leadership
  4. Procurement of Goods and Services

Download the Council's Sustainability Action Plan (195KB PDF).

For more information email the Sustainability Coordinator or call 546 0339.