Plan Change 05/01

Nelson North

Effective and Notified Date: 5 March 2005

To protect the character of the , Council is seeking to restrict further subdivision, by changing the Resource Management Plan.

The plan change had immediate effect on notification ( 5 March 2005), with any new subdivisions being subject to the new rules.


Submissions and further submissions on the 05/01 Plan change have been sought. The deadline for further submissions closed on 23 September 2005. This plan change is being reviewed now that the Nelson Urban Growth Strategy (NUGS) is completed.

Documents and downloads

Trends show need for change

Analysis of subdivision trends in the area (between The Glen and Whangamoa saddle) since the Nelson Resource Management Plan was notified in 1996 show that the character of the area is developing differently to that anticipated in the RM Plan.

Trends showed that between 1996 and 2002, 90% of all new Rural Zone subdivisions were smaller than half the permitted size (smaller than 7.5ha) and almost half all new Rural Small Holdings Zone subdivisions were non-complying. Since 2002, 33% of all subdivisions applied for in the Rural Small Holdings Zone were smaller than permitted (2ha) and 56% of all subdivisions applied for in the Rural Zone were smaller than permitted (15ha).

Key changes

Key changes in the proposed subdivision restrictions for are:

  • minimum lot size will increase from 2ha to 3ha
  • there will be no “average” lot size
  • subdivisions below the minimum will face a more rigorous planning process as a non-complying activity rather than discretionary as at present.

If you would like further information regarding this Plan Change, please contact the Environmental Planning Administrator on 03 546 0200 or