Private Plan Change 28 - Maitahi Bayview


16 April 2021
Receive request from developer for Private Plan Change Maitahi

3 August 2021
Request by NCC for further information from the developer

24 August 2021
Amended Private Plan Change request following further information added

21 October - 8 December 2021
Notified to accept public submissions.

8 February 2022
Notification of summary of submissions

8-25 February 2022
Receive further submissions (10WD for submitters to respond)

by 10 March 2022
Acknowledgement letters for Further Submissions

by 10 March 2022
Further Submissions publicly available

by 21 March 2022
Hearing administrator to contact submitters who want to be heard to confirm who will be bringing experts to hearing

15-18 April 2022
Easter Break

by 5pm Fri 3 June 2022
Issue s.42A report to parties

Wednesday 15 June 2022 05:00 pm
Applicants Expert Evidence on Council’s website

Friday 24 June 2022 12:00 pm
Extension to Speaking Time

Monday 27 June 2022 12:00 pm
Submitter Expert Evidence Due
Please submit to

Monday 27 June 2022 05:00 pm
Submitter Expert Evidence on Council’s website

Wednesday 29 June 2022 12:00 pm
Section 42A Addendum hearing report Due

Wednesday 29 June 2022 05:00 pm
Section 42A Addendum hearing report on Council’s website

Thursday 7 July 2022 12:00 pm
Further Expert Evidence Due
Please submit to

Thursday 7 July 2022 12:00 pm
Applicant Rebuttal Evidence Due

Thursday 7 July 2022 05:00 pm
Applicant’s Rebuttal Evidence on Council’s website.

Friday 8 July 2022 12:00 pm
Pre-circulation of opening legal submissions in advance of hearing completed

Monday 11 July 2022 12:00 pm
Submitter Written Statements Due
Please submit to

Monday 11 July 2022 05:00 pm
Submitter Written Statements on Council’s website

Wed 13 - Fri 22 July 2022

Friday 9 September 2022
Hearing Panel Recommendation Report

Tuesday 27 September 2022
Council accepts the Hearing Panel recommendation

Monday 14 November 2022 5pm
Appeals Due to the Environment Court

Nature of Request:

To rezone approximately 287-hectares of land located within Kaka Valley, along Botanical Hill and Malvern Hill, from:

  • Rural; and
  • Rural-Higher Density Small Holdings Area,


  • Residential (Higher, Standard and Lower Density Areas);
  • Rural-Higher Density Small Holdings Area;
  • Open Space Recreation; and
  • Suburban Commercial,

along with a number of integrated changes to associated provisions of Volumes I, II and III of the Nelson Resource Management Plan.


The Independent commissioners have provided their recommendation to Council to approve the Private Plan Change with modifications to that notified.

Council has agreed with the Commissioners' recommendation.

Proposed Plan Change 28 Documents, Private Plan Change Request and further information

NRMP Documents

These documents show the proposed changes to the NRMP chapters and Planning maps and should be used in conjunction with the Submission Form to identify your Submission points.

NRMP Planning Maps

Combined Maps: District Road Hierarchy – Maps A2.1 and A2.2 and Maps 5, 7, 8, 11, 15 and 52 (right hand and left hand map) including Legend (3.8MB PDF)

Private Plan Change Documents as Notified

Plan Change documents

Attachments A – Records of Title

Attachments B – Structure Plan and Planning Maps

Attachments C – Technical Assessments

Attachments C11. Consultation Feedback

Attachments D – Section 32 Evaluation

Public Participation Process

Learn about the Plan Change Process

The process for public participation in the consideration of the proposal under the Act is as follows:

After the closing date for submission, Nelson City Council must prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and give a public notice of the availability of this summary and where the summary and submissions can be inspected.

Once the summary of decisions requested is publicly notified, the following persons may make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made:

  • any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
  • any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has; and
  • the local authority itself.

If a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission, a hearing must be held.

Nelson City Council must give its decision on the provisions and matter raised in the submission (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions) and give public notice of its decision within 2 years of notifying the proposal and serve it on every person who made a submission at the same time.

Copies of the Private Plan Change Documents

A hardcopy version can be viewed at Civic House Customer Services Centre. A full version of all the Documents can be ordered and printed for you by Council for the following cost:

200 B&W A4 double-sided pages @.20 = $40.00
45 colour A4 double-sided pages @1.70 = $76.50
165 colour A3 single-sided pages @1.90 = $313.50
Folder $3.00
Inserts $2.00
Staff Time $38.00
TOTAL $473.00

Please contact Customer Services 03 546 0200 to order a copy.