Statutory Acknowledgements
Te Tau Ihu Statutory Acknowledgements (2.3MB PDF) is an attachment to the operative Nelson Regional Policy Statement, Nelson Air Quality Plan and the Nelson Resource Management Plan.
A statutory acknowledgment recognises the particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association of an iwi with an identified site/area. The eight iwi of Te Tau Ihu to which these statutory acknowledgements relate are:
• Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō
• Ngāti Kuia
• Rangitāne o Wairau
• Ngāti Koata
• Ngāti Rārua
• Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu
• Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui
• Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Statutory Acknowledgements enhance the ability of iwi to participate in Resource Management Act 1991 processes. Users of this site should note that an area can have more than one statutory acknowledgment from more than one iwi associated with it, and that the statutory acknowledgements of each of the eight iwi of Te Tau Ihu should be checked in relation to an area. See the statutory acknowledgement document attached to Nelson City Council’s Resource Management Plan and GIS maps showing their location.
These GIS maps depict sites to which Statutory Acknowledgments apply. The Statutory Acknowledgments place obligations on the local authorities which are explained in the text document attached to Nelson’s Resource Management Plans. These maps do not however indicate all sites of importance to iwi. Other sites have been recognised through other redress instruments from the Crown such as land transfers in fee simple title or Overlay Classifications.
If you would like information about other sites of importance to the iwi or the other types of redress recognising these sites you can source the Deeds of Settlement entered by the eight individual iwi and the Crown on You can also refer to the settlement legislation on The settlement Acts are:
• Ngāti Kōata, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu, and Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Claims Settlement Act 2014.
• Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, and Rangitāne o Wairau Claims Settlement Act 2014.
• Ngāti Toa Rangatira Claims Settlement Act 2014.
Caveat about the redress and 'manawhenua'
The Crown provided these cultural redress instruments to iwi to settle their historical Treaty claims. The location of these redress instruments aligns with the known customary and historical interests of the respective iwi. This redress is not intended to signify, confer, or deny the Māori concept of 'manawhenua'. Manawhenua is a concept derived from tikanga Māori.
This message is consistent with what the Crown discussed with iwi throughout the overlapping claims process for Te Tau Ihu negotiations.