Payment type description: The required reference number for rates payments is the Valuation Roll Number on your invoice. It will look like this: 19123456700
Payment type description: The required reference number for water payments is the Customer Billing Number on your invoice. It will look like this: W123456, this C123456 or T123456 depending on residential, commercial or trade waste, respectively.
Payment type description: The required reference number for parking fees is the PIN Number on your docket. It has six digits and will look like this: 123456. Please be aware that parking tickets must be paid in full unless the fine is greater than $60.00 and provided that Council has given prior approval. Any non-approved part payment received will be returned to you with the full fine still payable.
Payment type description: The required reference number is your library card number. It is 14 numbers long and will look like this: 2826000XXXXXXX
Payment type description: The required reference number for resource consent payments is the number on your invoice that looks like this: RM654321
Payment type description: The required reference number for building consent payments is the number on your invoice that looks like this: BC123456
Payment type description: The required reference number for building warrants of fitness (BWOF) is the number on your invoice that looks like this: CS123456
Payment type description: The required reference number for compliance schedules is the number on your invoice that looks like this: CS123456.
Payment type description: The required reference number is a combination of the initials LIM followed by the surname of the person requesting the report. For example, LIMStevens.
Payment type description: The required 'Reference Number' for this payment should be GEOTECH REPT. Also, the payee name below must match the name on the geotech report form.
Payment type description: Plant as you Go is a Nelson City Council tree planting programme designed especially for travellers. Voluntarily reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing trees to be planted in Nelson. Purchase as many trees as you wish (to make up either the full or partial amount of the carbon you have generated) at a cost of $25 per tree. Simply pay $25, $50, $75, etc in multiples of $25 for each tree you wish to purchase.
Payment type description: The required reference number for other debtors payments is the number on your invoice, starting with 1 and followed by six digits. If you do not have an invoice please use '1999999'.
Payment type description: The required reference number for dog payments is the OWNER NUMBER that is either a three, four or five digit number.
Payment type description: The required reference number should be in the format name-date-(deposit) where name is the surname your booking is under, date is the accommodation start date and deposit (optional) if the payment is deposit.
Payment type description: The required reference number should be in the format venue-date of booking for example Granary-06/12/13.
Payment type description: