Maps and GIS information
Top of the South Maps
Discover local information in the Nelson and Tasman region via our award winning map based website. Find out more.
Go to the Top of the South Maps website
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GIS information on Nelson city properties has been available since 1993. Since then the Nelson City Council has developed a wide variety of information and services, much of which is available online. Care has been taken to ensure that none of the available information breaches the Privacy Act (1993) or the Local Government (Rating) Act (2002).
GIS Data
Nelson City Council GIS data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License, and the use of any data or plan or any information downloaded must be in accordance with the terms of that licence.
Data is provided free. The cost of collating data, converting data or additional data analysis is charged at the labour rate of $90 per hour.