Wastewater Asset Management Plan
Adopted by Council 15 October 2015.
Executive summary
This Asset Management Plan, produced for the public wastewater assets owned and managed by the Nelson City Council provides a 12 year outlook commencing July 2015. The Asset Management Plan identifies issues that underpin expenditure and demonstrates how the Nelson City’s goal, strategic targets and delivering the agreed levels of service, will be achieved through effective, sustainable management of the wastewater assets.
The replacement value (2014) of the wastewater infrastructural assets is $226million.
Assets included in this plan
The Nelson City Council provides a reticulated wastewater collection service from Glenduan in the north to Champion Road in the south with 20,000 plus connected properties.
Wastewater from Stoke and Tahunanui is treated at the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Treatment Plant on Bell Island (details of Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit are shown in the Nelson Regional Sewerage Business Unit Wastewater Asset Management Plan). The NRSBU is a joint venture between Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council. The day to day contract administration is contracted out to Nelmac.
Fish processing water from factories at Port Nelson is screened and discharged beyond the Boulder Bank into Tasman Bay via the fisheries outfall which is owned by the Council. Day to day operation and compliance with resource consent conditions is managed by Sealords.
Effluent from the remainder of the city is treated at the Nelson Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Nelson Regional Sewage Business Unit
The Nelson Regional Sewage Business Unit (NRSBU) is a joint committee of the Tasman District and Nelson City Councils. It oversees the Nelson Regional Sewerage Scheme (NRSS), which is evenly owned by each of the two Councils. The NRSBU treats municipal wastes (mainly domestic sewage) from Stoke and Tahunanui in the Nelson City Council. the NRSBU Asset Management Plan can be found on the NRSBU website.