Stoke groups support new facility at Greenmeadows

Stoke groups support new facility at Greenmeadows - May 2016

Stoke’s major sports and recreation groups are pleased to see the new multi-use facility at Greenmeadows progressing well.

Mayor Rachel Reese met with Stoke rugby, Nelson cricket, Stoke tennis and Stoke Seniors on site at Greenmeadows in May, where they discussed the future for the site.

“These groups are major users for this new facility and we've enjoyed working alongside them to plan for this new multi-use facility at Greenmeadows," Mayor Reese says.

Stoke Rugby Club Operations Manager, Kim Biggs, says the new building would offer an improved space for their club.

“We’re excited about the prospect of being a tenant in the new Stoke Community Centre and we will look to occupy an office space and to utilise the function rooms.”

Stoke Seniors Secretary John Haynes says their members would be looking to use the facility at least four days a week.

“I would take this opportunity to congratulate council staff and consultants for the thorough consultation process that it has followed, and the willingness to meet the wishes of particular user organisations.”

Nelson Cricket General Manager, David Leonard, says Nelson Cricket has been a major user of Greenmeadows as a hub for junior cricket, tournaments and trainings, for many years. It intended to continue to use Greenmeadows and the new facility buildings at Greenmeadows for junior cricket matches, tournaments and training sessions.

The new facility has recently gained resource consent, and construction is likely to begin later this year.

“This facility is part of a long term vision for Stoke,” says Mayor Reese. “Council is committed to supporting our fastest growing suburb and to providing good quality and functional civic spaces.”